Translated into French by Manou Merci, Manou Translated into Dutch by Karin Dank je, Karin Material HERE Outside Plugins Used BKG Designers sf10 II-DIS Warp Vertical AAA Fotoframe Open the background, elf tube, butterfly tube and mask Thanks Daniel for the Elf tube Put the Gradient into your gradient folder 1. New Image 1024x800 Fill with the Gradient 2. Effects-Filter Effects-BKG sf10II-Warp 3. New Raster Layer Fill with Black 4. Layers-New Mask Layer-From Image Pick the sq-Fractual-Fantasy Merge Group 5. Effects-Edge Effects-Enhance More 6. Open the frame background-Copy Back to Image-Paste as New Layer 7. With the K key-make it a bit larger Press the M key 8. Image-Add Borders 5-Black Image-Add Borders 5-#6d4c43 Image-Add Borders 5-Black Image-Add Borders 50-#e8e3e0 9. Magic Wand-Feather Nil Click inside the outside Border 10. Effects-AAA Fotoframe-width 40 Select None 11. Open the Elf-Copy Back to Image-Paste as New Layer Resize 50% Once and 75% Once 12. Drop Shadow Place he...