Beauty in Gold
Translated into Dutch by Karin Dank je Karin Material HERE Outside Plugins Used Simple-Pizza Slice Mirror Murameister-Perspective Thank you LinY for the beautiful lady tube! Put the Gradient in your Gradient Folder Set your Foreground to #3c2a27 Your Background to #d7c5a3 1. New Image 1024x750 Fill with the Gradient 2. Adjust-Blur-Caussian Blur 2. Open the Beauty girl-remove watermark-Copy Back to Image-Paste as New Layer Move her to the middle 3. Effects-Image Effects-Seamless Tiling-Default 4. Effects-Reflections Effects-Rotating Mirror 5. Effects-Simple-Pizza Slice Mirror Effects-Reflection Effects-Rotating Mirror 0 6. Effects-Distortion Effects-Curliques 7. Effects-Reflection Effects-Feedback 8. Adjust-Softness-Soft Focus 9. Duplicate Effects-Murameister-Perspective 10. With the Magic Wand-Feather 80 Click on the empty space and press Delete 5 times Select None 11. Open the lady tube-Copy Back to Image-Paste as New Layer Move her to the middle 12. Image-Add Borders 5 with the Foreg