Red Night

Material HERE Set your Foreground to #df100f and background to #000000 Gradient Open a New Image 1024x750 Select All 1. Open the background-Copy Back to Image-Paste into Selection Select None 2. Duplicate Close off Layer 1 Press the K button and move the duplicated layer half way up - Press M button 3. With the Magic wand-Feather 50 click on the empty bottom space Press Delete about 5 times 4. Open up Raster Layer 1 Adjust-Blur-Motion Blur Repeat about 3 times 5. Back to Top Layer Effects-Geometric Effects-Spherize 6. Effects-Geometric Effects-Circle This is what you have so far Merge Down 7. Open up the fence-Copy Back to Image-Paste as New Layer Resize 75% Twice 8. Duplicate Image-Mirror-Mirror Horizontal Push them together Merge Down With the K tool, stretch it all the way across the image Press M Merge Down 9. Add Borders 6 Background colour Black Add Borders 50 with the Foreground Colour 10. Click inside that border with the Magic Wand-Feather Nil Fill...