Dutch Treat

Translated into French by Manou Merci, Manou Material HERE All Images AI created by me Feel free to use them No © needed But please don't sell them as your own The cute boy and girl tubed by my good friend Lin Youngblood Outside Plugins Used Toadies-Weaver Alienskin-Impact-Glass A Plugin Site HERE Open your material 1. New Image 1024x750 Select All 2. Open Backgtound-Copy Back to Image-Paste into Selection Select None 3. Effects-Toadies-Weaver 4. Effects-Reflection Effects-Rotating Mirror-180 5. With the Selection Tool-Rectangle-Feather 1 Go around the top part 6. Open the Background again-Copy Back to Image-Paste into Selectioon Select None 7. Image-Add Borders 5-#01113c Image-Add Borders 50-White 8. With the Magic Wand-Feather Nil Click inside the white border Copy the background again Back to Image-Paste into Selection 9. Effects-Reflection Effects-Kaleidoscope Select None 10. Set Foreground to #f6f6f6 New Raster Layer With Selection Tool-Octagon-F...