
Material HERE All Images AI created and tubed by me. Feel free to use them No © needed But please don't claim and sell them as your own Outside Plugins Used BKG Designers sf10-II- Picasso's Another's Word Déformation-Verre A Plugin Site HERE For Everything PSP including Tubes, Masks, Tutorials etc Registration is FREE HERE Put the Gradient into your Gradient Folder Open your Material 1. New Image 1024x750 Fill with the Gradient 2. New Raster Layer Select All 3. Open the Flower Girl-Copy Back to Image-Paste into Selection Select None 4. Effects-Image Effects-Seamless Tiling Merge Down 5. Effects-BKG Designer sf10 II Picasso's Another Word 6. Effects-Reflection Effects-Rotating Mirror 7. Open the Misted Background-Copy Back to Image-Paste as New Layer Resize 65% Place it a bit to the Right Set Opacity to about 85 Merge Down 8. Select All Image-Add Borders 60- White Selections-Invert Promote Selection to Layer 9. Click inside the White Border Fill with th...