Rodeo Girl

Material Here

Outside Plugins Used
Murameister Perspective

Open the tubes, the background and the misted background

1. New Image 1024x750
Select All

2. Open the Horse Background-Copy
Back to Image-Paste into Selection
Select None

3. Effects-Reflection Effects-Rotating Mirror

4. Duplicate
Effects-Murameister Perspective

5. Magic Wand-Feather 80
Click inside the empty space about 2 or 3 times
Select None
Move this layer down a bit, so those eyes aren't looking at you

6. Effects-Reflection Effects-Rotating Mirror

7. Open the Misted Horse-Copy
Back to Image-Paste as New Layer
Move it to the middle
Merge Down

8. To get rid of those shadows around the horse
Use the Delete Tool and caefully go around it

9. Open the Rodeo Girl-Copy
Back to Image-Paste as New Layer
Move her to the left

10. Effects-3D Effects-Drop Shadow

11. Open the Wagon Wheel-Copy
Back to Image-Paste as New Layer
Resize 50%
Move it to the right
Set this layer to 'Hard Light'-Opacity 50
Drop Shadow-Same as before

12. Merge All
I don't think it needs a border, but you can add a border if you like

Add your watermark and save as .JPG

A stunning version by Lin Youngblood



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