

Translated into Dutch by Karin
Dank je, Karin

Material HERE
All Images AI created by me
Feel free to use them
No © needed
But please don't sell them as your own

No outside Plugins Used

Open your material

1. New Imagee 1024x750
Fill with Black

2. New Raster Layer
Fill with #ac7d32

3. Layers-New Mask Layer-From Image
Merge Group

4. New Raster Layer
Free Hand Selection Tool-Point to Point
Feather 2
Make a Selection in the middle-see preview

5. Open the Background-Copy
Back to Image-Paste into Selection
Select None

6. Duplicate
Effects-3D Effects-Cutout
Set this Layer to 65 Opacity
Merge Down

7. Set your Foreground to Black
Background to #ac7d32

8. Preset Tool-Ellipse-Draw Circle
Draw a small button
Convert to Raster Layer
Edit, Copy, Save as New Image
Minimize this for now

9. Back to Main Image
Duplicate the button 4 times
Place them underneath each other
Merge Down 4 times

10. Duplicate
Press K on the keyboard
Move it down and rotate-see preview
When you're happy, press M

11. Open the Lady-Copy
Back to Main Image-Paste as New Layer
Resize 65%
Place her to the right

12. Drop Shadow

13. Image-Add Borders 5-Black
Image-Add Borders 5-Background
Image-Add Borders 50-Black

14. Open up your button again-Copy
Back to Main Image-Paste as New Layer
Place it on the black Outer Border Top Left

15. Duplicate
Image-Mirror-Mirror Horizontal
Merge Down

16. Effects-Reflection Effects-Feedback

17. Duplicate
Image-Mirror-Mirror Vertical
Merge Visible

Add your Watermark and save as .JPG

A beautiful version by Lin Youngblood

A beautiful version by Karin


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