
 Material HERE

No Outside Plugins Used

Put the font in your font folder
put the texture in your texture folder
Put the gradient in your gradient folder

Open the tubes and mask

Set your foreground to the Gradient

1. New Image 1000x650
Fill with the Gradient

2. New Raster Layer-Fill with Black
Layers-New Mask Layer-From Image
Choose the Narah mask

3. Effects-Distortion Effects-Polar Coordinates

4. Open the lady Tube-CopyPlac
Back to Image-Paste as New Layer
Resize once to 50% and once to 70%
Move her to the left

5. Open the Deco Tube-Copy
Back to Image-Paste as New Layer
Place it to the right-See Finished

6. Set your Foreground to Gradient and Close the Background
Click on the Text Tool-Settings
Choose the Roseville Demo Font-Size 72
Type the First Letter of your Name
Depending on your Letter, use the K on the keyboard to set it to your liking
Press M
Duplicate-Merge Down

7. Image-Add Borders Black 5
Image-Add Borders White 25
With the Magic Wand-Feather Nil
Click inside the White Border
Fill with the Gradient

8. Effects-Texture Effects-choose the squares

9. Effects-Reflection Effects-Rotating Mirror

10. Image-Add Borders 5 Black

Add your Watermark and save as .JPG

A beautiful version by Paula Hagan

A lovely version by Claire Chaboud


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