Silver and Bronze

Translated into French by Manou
Merci, Manou
Translated into Dutch by Karin

Material HERE
Outside Plugins Used
AAA Fotoframe

Open the Misted lady, the Swan and the Mask

1. New Image 1024x750
Fill with Black

2. New Raster Layer
Select All

3. Open the Misted lady-Copy
Back to Image-Paste into Selection
Select None

4. Effects-Image Effects-Seamless Tiling

5. Effects-Texture Effects-Mosaic Glass

6. Effects-Distortion Effects-Twirl

7. Image-Mirror-Mirror Vertical

8. Duplicate
Set this Layer to Screen
Merge Down

9. New Raster Layer
Fill with White
Layers-New Mask Layer-From Image
Choose the Narah Mask
Merge Group
Set this layer to 'Luminance' and Opacity to 75
Move a bit to the left

10. Open the Misted Lady-Copy
Back to Image-Paste as New Layer

11. Move her within the mask layer
With the Selection Tool-Feather 40
Go around the bottom of the lady
Press Delete
Select None

12. Set your Foreground to Black and Background to #cfd5df
Image-Add Borders 15-Foreground 
Image-Add Borders 50-Background
With Magic Wand-Feather Nil
Click inside the Background

13. Effects-Texture Effects-Mosaic Glass
Same settings as Before
Select None

14. Effects-AAA Foto Frame

15. Open the Swan-Copy
Back to Image-Paste as New Layer
Place it to the right

Add your watermark and save as .JPG

Lin Youngblood's beautiful version

Paula Hagan's beautiful version

Manou's beautiful version


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