

Material HERE

All Images AI created and tubed by me
 Feel free to use them
No © needed 
But please don't sell them as your own

Outside Plugins Used
Murameister-Perspective Tiling
FilterForge-Perspective Vision
You can use this with any version 1 and over
A Plugin Site HERE

Put the Bricks Effect into your Texture Folder
if you don't have it.

1. New Images 1024x750
Set your Foreground to Black
Background to #920a16
Fill with the Gradient

2. Effects-Texture Effects-Texture

3. Duplicate
Effects-Murameister-Perspective Tiling

4. Drop Shadow

5. Effects-Geometric Effects-Spherize

6. New Raster Layer
Fill with Black
Layer-New Mask Layer-From Image
Merge Group

7. Effects-User Defined Filter-Emboss3

8. Effects-Geometric-Spherize
Same settings as before
This is what it looks like so far

9. New Raster Layer-Select All
Open the background-Copy
Back to Image-Paste into Selection
Select None

10. Effects-FilterForge-Perspective Vision

11. Effects-Reflection Effects-Rotating Mirror

12. With the Selection Tool-Feather Nil
Delete the middle

13. Push it up a bit
Magic Wand-Feather Nil
Click on the bottom Black part and press Delete
Select None

14. Delete Tool-Size around 60
Delete the bottom of the curtains

15. Open the Misted Background-Copy
Back to Image-Paste as New Layer
Push it up a bit and resize 60%
Do a Reflection-Rotating Mirror again
but this time Angle 180

16. Merge Visible
Adjust-One Step Photo Fix

17. Image-Add Borders 5-Black
Image-Add Borders 50-White
With the Magic Wand-Feather Nil
Click inside the White Border
Fill with the Gradient
Keep Selected

18. Effects-3D Effects-Inner Bevel
Select None

19. Open the Lace Deco-Copy
Back to Image-Paste as New Layer
Place it on the Left Border
Image-Mirror-Mirror Horizontal

20. Open the Lady-Copy
Back to Image-Paste as New Layer
Resize 75%
Place her in the middle
Merge Visible

Add your Watermark and save as .JPG


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