Hawaiian Summer


Translated into French by Manou
Merci, Manou

Material HERE

All AI created and tubed by me.
 Feel free to use them
No © needed 
But please don't sell them as your own

Outside Plugins Used
Filters Unlimited-Buttons and Frames
A Plugin Site HERE 

Open your material

Put the Gradient into your Gradient Folder

1. New Image 1024x750
Set your Foreground to the Gradient
Fill with the Gradient

2. New Raster Layer
Select All

3. Open the Background 1-Copy
Back to Image-Paste into Selection
Select None

4. Press the K on the keyboard
Push it up just a bit
Press M on the keyboard

5. Magic Wand-Feather 90
Click in the empty bottom
Press Delete about 2 times
Select None

6. New Raster Layer-Select All
Open the Background 2-Copy
Back to Image-Paste into Selection
Select None

7. Pick your Selection Tool-Feather 90-Hexacon

8. Start from Top Left and drag it to Bottom Right
Then Press Delete about 3 to 4 times
Select None

9. Set the Gradient to angle 270

10. New Raster Layer
Fill with the Gradient

11. Layers-New Mask layer-From Image
Merge Group

12. Effects-Edge Effects-Enhance More

13. Push it down just a little bit

14. Image-Mirror-Mirror Vertical
This is what you have so far

15. Open the Hawaiian Girl-Copy
Back to Image-Paste as New Layer
Resize 40%
Place her in the middle

16. Drop Shadow

17. Merge Visible

18. Effects-Filters Unlimited-Buttons and Frames

19. Open the Hawaiian Woman-Copy
Back to Image-Paste as New Layer
Resize 75%
Place her Bottom Right
Same Drop Shadow

Merge Visible

Add your Watermark and save as .JPG


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