
Translated into Dutch by Karin
Dank je, Karin

Translated into French by Manou
Merci, Manou

Material HERE
(I have put the wrong dancer in the zip, so here's the correct one)

All AI created and tubed by me.
 Feel free to use them
No © needed 
But please don't sell them as your own

Outside Plugins Used
Dragonfly-Sinedots II
Murameister-Perspective Tiling
A Plugin Site HERE

For Everything PSP
including Tubes, Masks, Tutorials etc

Open your material

1. New Image 1024x750
Select All

2. Open the background-Copy
Back to Image-Paste into Selection
Select None

3. Duplicate Twice

4. On the Top Layer
Effects-Dragonfly-Sinedots II

5. Press the K on the Keyboard
Pull the Layer up to just under halfway
Press M on the Keyboard

6. With The Selection Tool set to Rectangle
Feather 5
Make a Selection inside as shown
Press Delete
Select None

7. Drop Shadow

8. Effects-Geometric Effects-Spherize

9. Close of the Bottom Layer-Raster 1

10. Go to the Layer Above-Copy of Raster 1
With the K on the Keyboard
Pull the Layer up til it's level with the Top Layer
Press M on the Keyboard
Set the Opacity to 80

11. Open the Bottom Layer-Layer 1
Effects-Texture Effects-Mosaic Glass

12. Effects-Murameister-Perspective Tiling
Set this Layer's Opacity to 80

13. Go to the Top Layer

14. Effects-Murameister-Perspective Tiling
Same Settings
Set this Layer's Opacity to 50
Move this Layer below the Top Layer

15. Effects-Geometric Effects-Spherize
Change it to 100

16. Back to Top layer
Open the Little Flower-Copy
Back to Image-Paste as New Layer
Place it Bottom Left

17. Effects-Murameister-Copies
Feedback Linear-Default Settings

18. With the Eraser Tool Erase the Top few flowers

19. Same Drop Shadow as Before
Image-Mirror-Horizontal Mirror

20. Edit-Copy the Little Flower again
Place it Middle Top
Same Drop Shadow
Opacity 90-Hard Light

21. Open the Lady-Copy
Back to Image-Paste as New Layer
Resize 65%
Same Drop Shadow
Place her in the Middle as Shown

22. Image-Add Borders 10-#85a3a7

Add Your Watermark and save as .JPG



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