Windy Lane


Translated into Dutch by Karin
Dank je, Karin

Translated into French by Manou
Merci, Manou

Material HERE

All AI created and tubed by me.
 Feel free to use them
No © needed 
But please don't sell them as your own

Outside Plugins Used
DSB Flux-Bubbles
Simple-PizzaSlice Mirror

A Plugin Site HERE

For Everything PSP
including Tubes, Masks, Tutorials etc

Open your material

Put the Arrow28 into your Preset Shapes Folder

1. New Image 1024x750
Select All

2. Open your background-Copy
Back to Image-Paste into Selection
Select None

3. Effects-DSB Flux-Bubbles

4. Effects-Simple-Pizza Slice Mirror

5. Effects-Reflection Effects-Rotating Mirror

6. Effects-Murameister-Perspective

7. With Magice Wand-Feather 90
Click inside the empty space
Press Delete about 4 times
Select None

8. Open the Misted Background-Copy
Back to Image-Paste as New Layer
Resize 75%
Move it up a bit as shown

9. Set both the foreground and background to #daf2d9
Pick your shape tool-Arrow 28
With these settings
Make a small arrow

10. Image-Free Rotate-90 Left
Convert to Raster Layer

11. Effects-3D Effects-Cutout

12. Effects-3D Effects-Drop Shadow
Since I made this preview, I changed it to 50 Opacity

13. Effects-Murameister-Copies

14. Delete the Last Four

15. Duplicate
Image-Mirror-Mirror Horizontal
Merge Down

16. Open the Lady-Copy
Back to Image-Paste as New Layer
Place her in the middle as shown

17. Open the Windy Flower-Copy
Back to Image-Paste as New Layer
Resize 15%
Place it as shown

18. Image-Add Borders 5- #73966c

19. Open the Daisies-Copy
Back to Image-Paste as New Layer
Resize 35%
Place it Bottom Right

20. Duplicate
Image-Mirror-Mirror Horizontal

Merge Visible

Add your Watermark and save as .JPG


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