

Material HERE
All Images AI created and tubed by me. 
Feel free to use them
No © needed 
But please don't claim and sell them as your own

Outside Plugins Used
A Plugin Site HERE

For Everything PSP
including Tubes, Masks, Tutorials etc
Registration is FREE

Open your Material

1. New Image 1024x750
Select All

2. Open your Background-Copy
Back to Image-Paste into Selection
Select None

3. New Raster Layer
Fill with Black

4. Layers-New Mask Layer-From Image
Merge Group

5. Duplicate
On the Duplicated Layer

6. Effects-User Defined Filter-Emboss3
Merge Down

7. Magic Wand-Feather Nil
Click inside the rectangle of the mask
Ants are everywhere, it doesn't matter

8. New Raster layer
Paste into Selection the background
Select None

9. Duplicate
Same Settings
Set this Layer to 'Luminance'
Or if you have a different background
Set the blend mode to your preference

10. Merge Visible
This is what you should have so far

11. Image-Add Borders 4-Black
Image-Add Borders 40-White

12. Magic Wand-Feather Nil
Click inside the White Border
Fill with the Gradient
Keep Selected

13. Effects-Redfield-iEmboss
Same Settings
Keep Selected

14. Effects-Reflection Effects-Rotating Mirror
Select None

15. Image-Add Borders 4-Black

16. Open the Lady-Copy
Back to Image-Paste as New Layer
Resize 75%

17. Effects-User Defined Filter-Emboss3
Place her as shown

18. With the Soften Tool-Size about 10
Go over her wrist where it's too shiny

Merge Visible

Add your Watermark and save as .JPG


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