Translated into Dutch by Karin,
Dank je, Karin!
Material HERE
All Images AI created and tubed by me.
Feel free to use them
No © needed
But please don't claim and sell them as your own
Outside Plugins Used
Simple-Pizza Slice Mirror
A Plugin Site HERE
For Everything PSP
including Tubes, Masks, Tutorials etc
Registration is FREE
Put the Gradient into your Gradient Folder
Open your material
1. New Image 1024x750
Fill with Black
2. Set your foreground to Gradient
3. Selection Tool-Rectangle
Make a small selection on the left from top to bottom
Fill with the Gradient
4. Effects-3D Effect-Inner Bevel
Select None
5. Close off your black bottom Layer
6. Duplicate
Effects-Geometric Effects-Skew
7. Move it up as Shown
Merge Down
8. Free Hand Selection Tool, make a triangle as shown
9. New Raster Layer
Fill the Triangle with the Gradient
10. Adjust-Add/Remove Noise
Select None
Merge Down
11. Duplicate
Effects-Geometric Effects-Cylinder Vertical
Merge Down
12. Duplicate
Image-Mirror-Mirror Horizontal
Merge Down
13. Duplicate
Effects-Simple-Pizza Slice Mirror
14. Freehand Selection Tool
Make a selection of the top left layer
Press Delete
15. Effects-Reflection Effects-Rotating Mirror
Merge Down
16. Open up your black Layer again
Back to Top
17. Rectangle Tool set to Circle-Feather Nil
Make a small Circle, then
Fill with the Gradient
Same Inner Bevel
Select None
18. Effects-Murameister-Copies
19. We only want the three last ones, so with the Selection Tool
Go around and select the first few lines and press Delete
20. Place it as shown and delete the top
21. Duplicate again
And pull it away and inwards
Delete the top and bottom
Merge Down
22. Duplicate
Image-Mirror-Mirror Horizontal
Merge Down
23. Open the Lady-Copy
Back to Image-Paste as New Layer
Resize 80%
Place her to the right
24. Open the Bird-Copy
Back to Image-Paste as New Layer
Place it to the Left
25. Open the Star-Copy
Back to Image-Paste as New Layer
Merge Visible
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